Tomorrow I'll be heading back to KL. I know it's kinda late because everyone had gone back already. I'm the last remaining few who dwells aimlessly in this campus like a zombie (ok not like a zombie). But the thing is, my parents are the one's who decided to take me back tomorrow because tomorrow's a public holiday. Furthermore, why in a rush heading back? I'll be having an Ultimate Semester Break for 4 MONTHS long. A couple of days of delay getting back won't affect it.
It seems only yesterday when I registered in this Village 1C (the dorms are called "village"). I'll definitely miss my neighbours and friends in this block, especially the Kelantan neighbours although I seldom talk to them. HAHA. Nevertheless, some of them have some singing talent. The toilet is usually their practice ground. Once they even made a choir together. It was so awesome that I had to leave (sarcasm). I'll also miss my coursemate here whether they're male or female (hehehe). I'll also miss my awesome lab mates for this semester, my lecturers Setya Parman and Pandian Murukuwali (not actual names but close), and of course my roomate the one and only Luqman who endlessly helps me with my studies whether it is homeworks, assignments, quizzes, tests (joking only), and signing attendance (hehe). He's such a wonderful lad.
So the question is, What Now? What to do this semester break? Work? I honestly don't know what to do. I'm sure Allah has great plans for me. I hope we'll see each other again fellow UTPian next year. Take care.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Eid Flashback
One Final exam paper done today and since I got nothing better to do, I might as well make use of my Blog. I know that Eid already passed but I just can't help but to post these few pictures during that special day. I don't have alot of pics to show actually. But these are the ones that I like.
So that's all. Like I said, there's not many pictures (mostly because I'm lazy to take pictures)
So that's where my awesome looks came from..haha
My Family
(there's another one where we all wear purple but I look better
My youngest sibling and the naughtiest
My grandparents, cousins, aunt and uncle at my grandparents house
So that's all. Like I said, there's not many pictures (mostly because I'm lazy to take pictures)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Last 10 Days
We are at the 3rd phase of Ramadan (not related to 3-phase generator). The last 10 days are here. Which means our Winning Day is getting closer. YEAY !! HAHA. But lets not forget, the most important night during Ramadan, which is Lailatul Qadar is in one of these nights. Based on the researc of Imam Al-Ghazali, Lailatul Qadar can be achieved as such :
1.) If fasting starts on Sunday or Wednesday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 29th Ramadan.
2.) If fasting starts on Monday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 21st Ramadan.
3.) If fasting starts on Tuesday or Friday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 27th Ramadan.
4.) if fasting starts on Thursday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 25th Ramadan.
5.) If fasting starts on Saturday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 23rd Ramadan.
Lets not take these dates too seriously. Because what if the night is not on the night stated here? It'll be a total waste of your time to double or triple your Ibadah on a spesific night. So I think it's best to double or triple our Ibadah each night in these last 10 days of Ramadan.
1.) If fasting starts on Sunday or Wednesday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 29th Ramadan.
2.) If fasting starts on Monday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 21st Ramadan.
3.) If fasting starts on Tuesday or Friday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 27th Ramadan.
4.) if fasting starts on Thursday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 25th Ramadan.
5.) If fasting starts on Saturday, then Lailatul Qadar is on the 23rd Ramadan.
Lets not take these dates too seriously. Because what if the night is not on the night stated here? It'll be a total waste of your time to double or triple your Ibadah on a spesific night. So I think it's best to double or triple our Ibadah each night in these last 10 days of Ramadan.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The 15th
We are at the midpoint/middle/centre of the month of Ramadan. Raya songs starts to be played on radio and I can feel our Winning Day getting stronger by each passing day. I still need to overcome the obstacles which are the 4 TESTS for the next fortnight. Oh Lord please help me and my friends in our journey to the end of this semester, and also to the end of our lives. Amin.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
UTP's Been Hacked
Currently, UTP's Internet server's been hacked. It's amusing but seriously annoying when you refresh a page ( for me) and your account is not your own. This happened many times for my Blogger Dashboard. Thanked God there's no sudden posts from anyone who hacked my Dashboard. HAHA. This happened to my friends' Twitter account too. Pity them.
Tests, Holiday, Finals and The Ultimate Holiday !!
It's been two weeks already in this Holy month of Ramadan. For this remaining 2 weeks before the holidays, there'll be THREE frikkin tests. TWO tests on the same day next week and ONE test on the week after that. Then, it's RAYA HOLIDAY for me but only for a week though. Still, the mother of all tests will be held after that holiday, which is the FINAL EXAM !!! I hope I can cope with all the happiness and joy during Eidl Fitr because I really need to study. Really looking forward to the 4 MONTHS of relaxing and dawn-to-dusk patying. YEAH !!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tomorrow'll be the day the Muslims and Muslimahs waiting for, the 1st day of Ramadan which marks the start of the Fasting Month. Let us be a productive muslim during this month. And to the guys, don't ever miss a day of fasting. it's time to "recharge" our Iman from our Ibadah, give "free call" to Allah from our Doa, "topup" our Pahala from our Amal, and "delete" all unnecessary "applications" which is our bad Nafs. All I can say is, Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadan.
Friday, July 29, 2011
My New Record of Most Likes in a Status
Last Tuesday, I post a status on facebook like any other day. But surprisingly, that status beat my previous status record of most likes by twofold. The old status which I said HAD the most likes was regarding my hair being straight ( i dunno if any of you remember or not), and the new one is, well, you have to see it for yourselves. HEHE.
It's been a while
It's been a while since I post something here (almost 2 frikkin' months!!). Alot of things had happen in this semester. From the Gang of Peers event of Peer Helper Club, to my not-so-enthusiastic attempt of going to classes (lazy + can't understand a thing of the lecture). Basically, this semester's only subject that I can cope is probably Statics. Other's I'm not sure how I'll be doing during the Finals (It's very near !!). Oh and one more thing, although Singapore won the football match with Harimau Malaya (By Aggregate), i still think Harimau Malaya can still improve. That's all from me for now.
P/S: I'll be watching Captain America today !! YEAY !!
P/S: I'll be watching Captain America today !! YEAY !!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I finally obtained my result after 1 day delay (because Student Portal was down I guest). Alhamdulillah I got pretty good. But not Dean's List though :( . I'm so frustrated of my DE. i can't believe what I got. Such a disappointment. Oh well, now it's time to focus on my second semester and I hope I'll get better results.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
2nd Semester
1st Year 2nd Semester kicks off with a good start. Alot of amazing subjects with amazing lecturers. One of them, which is the lecturer for Vector Calculus looks like Rancho from 3 idiots (that's my opinion, I probably need my eyes checked), whereas the lecturer for Statics, I remember him as the lecturer who said that he was not graduated as a well "rounded" student, but a well "oblong" student (that's what he said, not me). Islamic Studies lecturer on the other hand, still a mystery (because there was no class) . And that same goes to Electrical Power & Machines lecturer. Oh and the Manufacturing Technology lecturer seems nice and friendly. I look forward to his teachings. Anyhow, class starts at 9am on Tuesday, so I must be heading off to Dream Land. HAHA
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I think Facebook is getting boring. The only thing I do over there is "liking" friends' Status. And I do that alot too. HAHA. I also do alot of "Poke" and comment pictures. Plus stalking friends' walls or even browsing through their picture albums (HEHE..). There's nothing much to do other than updating status though. Lets try Twitter. HEHE
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Approaching Freedom
Finally I got some time to update this not-so-interesting blog of mine. To all my precious readers who were patiently waiting for my new posts, I'm terribly sorry for my long delay which were caused by Final Exam Week and terrible Internet connection. But now, the internet is as fast as a Lamborghini Aventador and as Free (because I'm using LAN UTP) as a candy given by the doctor at the clinic. HAHA
Speaking of Final Exams, there's ONE more paper left which is Introduction to Oil & Gas Industry and Sustainable Development. But we just call it OnG. What I don't understand is, that paper is on Friday 13th May. There's a long gap of 2 days ( I think it's long). It's not like we'll study anything. The paper is totally Multiple Choice Questions which consists of 100 questions. I know, crazy right. Probably there will be students who won't even take 2 hours to complete the exam. HAHA. The other 3 papers done, I did my best and I hope I'll get good grades especially my favourite subject, Differential Equations. Allah Knows best.
Speaking of Final Exams, there's ONE more paper left which is Introduction to Oil & Gas Industry and Sustainable Development. But we just call it OnG. What I don't understand is, that paper is on Friday 13th May. There's a long gap of 2 days ( I think it's long). It's not like we'll study anything. The paper is totally Multiple Choice Questions which consists of 100 questions. I know, crazy right. Probably there will be students who won't even take 2 hours to complete the exam. HAHA. The other 3 papers done, I did my best and I hope I'll get good grades especially my favourite subject, Differential Equations. Allah Knows best.
Friday, April 29, 2011
TORR !! I mean..THOR !!
I never thought that I'll be watching a movie at the cinema since my final exam is near. But since my friend is a die-hard-fan of THOR, I don't really care eventhough my final exam is around the corner. We watched it yesterday evening along with my other two friends. All I can say is, that movie is AWESOME and BADASS. The graphics and fighting scenes are quite good too. Not to mention there's some funny scenes in there as well. A MUST WATCH superhero movie I'd say.
P/S: I felt really bad of skipping DE class today (and it's the last class). But I felt nothing for skipping Oil & Gas class...HAHA
Monday, April 25, 2011
Finally, it's done. The presentation for Engineering Drawing course that we prepared weeks beforehand. OK I'm lying. We didn't exactly prepare it weeks earlier. More like days. Doing stuffs at the last minute are quite common in students I guess. But now I have to prepare for Test 2 of Introduction to Material Science & Engineering course. The same thing as the other course, I'm studying at the last minute. T.T
P/S: I lost my Calculator AGAIN !! And it's still brand new. T.T
P/S: I lost my Calculator AGAIN !! And it's still brand new. T.T
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Becoming a Facilitator
Last weekend, all of my knowledge and training gained from the "Potential Leaders Camp & Training for Facilitators" were used fully. I, as a member of Peer Helpers UTP, was chosen as one of the facilitators for the Foundation Team Building camp (Foundateam) for the Foundation Jan 2011 students. The camp was held at Kem PLKN Teluk Rubiah. I never regret of going there.
I was actually in charge of becoming a Group facilitator. Which means every module done, I have to guide them and help them if they need it. It was fun of becoming Group 4 facilitator, which they gave the name Pathfinders. Such an interesting name.
On Friday night they had Nightwalk. Which they let off group by group. Oh I forgot to tell you guys that there were 12 groups. Each consisting of around 16 persons. And two groups will combine to become one Platoon to go for that night walk (Group 1 with 2, Group 3 with 4...etc). So there's 6 Platoons. And I'm in charge for Platoon B with the Group facilitator of Group 3. The nightwalk ended around 3am. So tiring that time. I have to follow them in the woods and it's not a short journey.
That day I slept at 3.30am and have to wake up at 6am. The head Facilitator woke us up. Thank god if not I will for sure wake up around noon. HAHA. That day which was Saturday, is full day filled with activities. The outdoor activities was conducted by the PLKN Trainers. The outdoor activities started from 8am till 6pm. But there's Morning Break, Lunch and Tea Break in between. One of my personal favourite outdoor activity was the Flying Fox. I like to go on it again sometime. HAHA
That night is the performance night of each Platoon. Some got Drama, Boria and Dikir Barat as their performance, but my platoon which was Platoon B got Choral Speaking. It's quite entertaining but not as energetic as Drama and others. But they still did a good job though.
On Sunday, there's nothing much to do. They only had one module which was Communication Module. Then it's a sharing session with UTP Alumni. After that it's closing ceremony which was closed by...errr...what's his name? I forgot. HAHA. Then it's snapping pictures time and then lunch. Then it's departure time. We arrive at UTP around 3pm.
And that's the not so interesting story of my first time of becoming a facilitator. A tiring but enjoyable thing to do. But what I like the most is, at least I get to know our juniors closer. Awww <3 HAHA
I was actually in charge of becoming a Group facilitator. Which means every module done, I have to guide them and help them if they need it. It was fun of becoming Group 4 facilitator, which they gave the name Pathfinders. Such an interesting name.
On Friday night they had Nightwalk. Which they let off group by group. Oh I forgot to tell you guys that there were 12 groups. Each consisting of around 16 persons. And two groups will combine to become one Platoon to go for that night walk (Group 1 with 2, Group 3 with 4...etc). So there's 6 Platoons. And I'm in charge for Platoon B with the Group facilitator of Group 3. The nightwalk ended around 3am. So tiring that time. I have to follow them in the woods and it's not a short journey.
That day I slept at 3.30am and have to wake up at 6am. The head Facilitator woke us up. Thank god if not I will for sure wake up around noon. HAHA. That day which was Saturday, is full day filled with activities. The outdoor activities was conducted by the PLKN Trainers. The outdoor activities started from 8am till 6pm. But there's Morning Break, Lunch and Tea Break in between. One of my personal favourite outdoor activity was the Flying Fox. I like to go on it again sometime. HAHA
That night is the performance night of each Platoon. Some got Drama, Boria and Dikir Barat as their performance, but my platoon which was Platoon B got Choral Speaking. It's quite entertaining but not as energetic as Drama and others. But they still did a good job though.
On Sunday, there's nothing much to do. They only had one module which was Communication Module. Then it's a sharing session with UTP Alumni. After that it's closing ceremony which was closed by...errr...what's his name? I forgot. HAHA. Then it's snapping pictures time and then lunch. Then it's departure time. We arrive at UTP around 3pm.
And that's the not so interesting story of my first time of becoming a facilitator. A tiring but enjoyable thing to do. But what I like the most is, at least I get to know our juniors closer. Awww <3 HAHA
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
11th Foundation Certificate Presentation Ceremony
Yay !! I have officially graduated from my Foundation in Engineering at UTP. The 11th Foundation Certificate Presentation Ceremony was held today (just now infact) at Chancellor Hall from 2-5 pm. Not many came for the ceremony though. I dunno why. Probably it's not that important to them. Probably they thought that it's just another stupid ceremony to get a stupid certificate. Probably they thought why bother go through all the trouble dress formally just to take that certificate on stage? Or maybe, UTP students are literally in small numbers, compared to other local Universities ofcourse. Either way, I went to the ceremony, shook the Vice Chancellor's hand (he was the Rector, probably got promoted) and took the file containing my certificate (which it didn't because we have to claim it later after the ceremony) and off to FREE lunch afterwards (thank God there's FREE lunch, if not then all of it is a total waste of time) .
Proof that I graduated my Foundation...HUHU
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
OMG !! TEST tomorrow !!
Tomorrow's my second test for Ordinary Differential Equation Course. And guess what? I hardly studied anything. Muahahaha !! I only studied a few, just to remember the important points in the chapter that's going to come out tomorrow. I am actually feeling lazy to study. I think watching movies, go online and playing guitar is way more fun and enjoyable than studying. Furthermore, tomorrows test is at 5pm and I only have 1 class in the morning. Which means I have plenty of time to study tomorrow. HAHA. But then, maybe I'll study some more later tonight. I guess my bad habit is that I always study at the last minute. =.='' HAHA
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A Realisation
Wow it's been a while since I post anything here. That's probably because I'm post at 1 week intervals, or maybe because I'm busy studying and all (yeah right), or maybe because I'm busy updating this blog. HAHA. Oh well, I'm posting something now and that's that.
I actually have no idea what to post. I'm out of ideas. Let me share something with you guys. It's already April of 2011. It's so freaking fast !! where has the time gone? we open close our eyes (pejam celik..HAHA) it's already April. And my 1st semester of Undergraduates already reached the 10th week. That means my final exams will be arriving soon. This feeling of uneasiness, anxious, can't sleep, can't eat, can't shit (ok that's not true), gloomy all day, sleep all day (in the weekends), play guitar all day, onlining all day and don't care about studies is probably caused by these exams nearing. Or is it something else??? ;)
I actually have no idea what to post. I'm out of ideas. Let me share something with you guys. It's already April of 2011. It's so freaking fast !! where has the time gone? we open close our eyes (pejam celik..HAHA) it's already April. And my 1st semester of Undergraduates already reached the 10th week. That means my final exams will be arriving soon. This feeling of uneasiness, anxious, can't sleep, can't eat, can't shit (ok that's not true), gloomy all day, sleep all day (in the weekends), play guitar all day, onlining all day and don't care about studies is probably caused by these exams nearing. Or is it something else??? ;)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sucker Punch
Finally, I got some time to publish something. I'm a busy man you know (yeah right). ok yesterday (27/3/11) afternoon, after weeks of not going out to watch a movie, I finally be able to do so. The movie's called Sucker Punch. I dunno whether to say it's a good or bad movie. Plot wise, the movie is fairly complicated (not so much) and hard to understand. I can't explain it. You have to see it to understand. But graphic wise, it's quite outstanding and simply awesome. Especially the scene where they fought many robots on a train. That's a 5 minute scene of brutal sword slashing, rapid gun firing, and slow motion kick boxing. But still, the story is not about that actually. It's never an action movie. Again, I can't explain it here so I emphasize all of you to watch it yourselves. I give it a 3 stars out of 5.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Earth Hour
Today, is a very important day. No it's not Hari Raya or Christmas or anything. I think everyone should know that it's Earth Hour day. Which means that we have to turn off our lights for 1 hour from 8.30pm till 9.30pm. Which means the turning-off-lights campaign just ended half an hour ago.
But for me, I should call it "Earth Hour Over Two", or "Earth Half Hour". WHY? Because I turned off the light at 9pm which means there's only half hour left. Now I feel bad. Or felt bad (the guilty feeling's gone already..HAHA). I didn't do it on purpose. I was asleep at 7.30pm (I suddenly felt drowsy, probably because I ate dinner early, and that it's cold tonight) and woke up at 8.55pm. I checked my facebook page and saw many statuses telling us to turn off the lights. I was dumbstruck. I quickly dash towards the light switch, but SHIT, I have to go through lots of obstacle. With booby traps and ferocious beast growling and waiting to find the right moment to strike...ok2 now I'm just being silly. HAHA. Ok I managed to turn off the lights around 9pm I guess. Now, what a relief that it's over already. HAHA
But for me, I should call it "Earth Hour Over Two", or "Earth Half Hour". WHY? Because I turned off the light at 9pm which means there's only half hour left. Now I feel bad. Or felt bad (the guilty feeling's gone already..HAHA). I didn't do it on purpose. I was asleep at 7.30pm (I suddenly felt drowsy, probably because I ate dinner early, and that it's cold tonight) and woke up at 8.55pm. I checked my facebook page and saw many statuses telling us to turn off the lights. I was dumbstruck. I quickly dash towards the light switch, but SHIT, I have to go through lots of obstacle. With booby traps and ferocious beast growling and waiting to find the right moment to strike...ok2 now I'm just being silly. HAHA. Ok I managed to turn off the lights around 9pm I guess. Now, what a relief that it's over already. HAHA
Friday, March 25, 2011
A What??
I forgot to announce that yesterday was the birth of my new baby (WTH??). No, not a REAL baby. Just click here and you'll know what I'm talking about. HAHA.
It's only been around 2 months, and I got a new one already. And don't forgot to follow it. It likes to be followed. HAHA.
Plus, it's very different from this baby. You don't need to click that. No, seriously. It's a waste of time.
It's only been around 2 months, and I got a new one already. And don't forgot to follow it. It likes to be followed. HAHA.
Plus, it's very different from this baby. You don't need to click that. No, seriously. It's a waste of time.
Can't believe it
I can't believe it.
Yesterday, I skipped a class. Which is unlikely. C'mon this is ISFAHAN we're talking about. HEHE. That is the first time this semester I skip class for no reason (I think...HAHA). Anyways, I'll make sure TODAY I'll never miss a class. Oh wait !! it's 2am already !! and class will start at 8am. I'll better go to sleep now. Don't wanna "accidentally" missed the class. HEHE
P/S: I just noticed it, friend's influence is very strong...HAHA
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friday by Rebecca Black and a cover song
I'm having this weird feeling that my last post will probably cause a headache or even a coma to those not used to it, hearing that heavy metal song. To make it up to you guys. Here are the original song plus an awesome cover by Kyle Puccia.
Original song. People says it sucks cause of the lyrics (I think).
But You can decide it for yourself.
Here's the cover song by Kyle Puccia.
Which I think sounds better.
A song which no one understands
Since i'm a fan of heavy metal songs and stuffs. This video made my day today. This song makes the original song sounded lame, which was originally sung by Rebecca Black. Blog Serius really have alot of interesting things. Haha.
Not for the faint hearted. Haha
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Road Road (Jalan-Jalan)
I'm nearing the end of my mid semester break. I cherish each passing day and night (yeah right) because after this it'll be another 7 weeks of torture. But everyday I do simply nothing. Just busy myself onlining and jamming with my guitar. But today, I get to atleast get away from being a lazy arse and hangout with my friends. We watched a pretty darn good movie called Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. It's a local production movie but with superb Hollywood style action movie. Ok it was not EXACTLY like a Hollywood movie but close. REALLY close. My first impression when I know we will watch that movie was like, "What? a malay movie?" and "what kind of shit movie is that? I mean, look at that name". But as soon as we watched from beginning (we were late actually..haha) till the end, I had to eat my own words. It was NOT a shit movie. What else can I say how cool the movie was. But still, there's still room for improvement. overall, a round of applause to them.
Enough with the movie crap. After the movie, we find ourselves a place to eat. We decided to go to the foodcourt and over there, I learned how to play this cool cardgame called Monopoly Deal. And they were right, it's quite addictive...haha. I even bought one to share that addiction to my friends at UTP...hehe. I think that's all I like to share here. Till next time.
P/S: I really had a great time. And thanks for teaching me that card game Tira...haha :P
Enough with the movie crap. After the movie, we find ourselves a place to eat. We decided to go to the foodcourt and over there, I learned how to play this cool cardgame called Monopoly Deal. And they were right, it's quite addictive...haha. I even bought one to share that addiction to my friends at UTP...hehe. I think that's all I like to share here. Till next time.
P/S: I really had a great time. And thanks for teaching me that card game Tira...haha :P
My Blog's Name
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus...
A name given for my blog. A Latin name. But why such a long name?
According to Google Translate, the meaning of it is "Never tickle a sleeping dragon". A strange kind of quote isn't it.
Actually, those letters were taken from the Hogwarts badge and since I'm a fan of Harry Potter, I find it quite interesting. I think the hidden meaning behind it is you shouldn't go look for trouble. The trouble here is in a form of a sleeping dragon (which means there's no trouble). And "Never tickle" here means don't go searching for one. Because nobody likes to be bothered when they're asleep. Even dragons I guess. As a conclusion, don't go look for trouble (maybe can once or twice...HAHA). And that's why I have such a long and strange name for a blog. I'm a fan of Harry Potter and I find it meaningful.
P/S: How about tickling a sleeping friend?(or a roommate? haha) I think it's acceptable if it's time to go to class..HAHA
A name given for my blog. A Latin name. But why such a long name?
According to Google Translate, the meaning of it is "Never tickle a sleeping dragon". A strange kind of quote isn't it.
Actually, those letters were taken from the Hogwarts badge and since I'm a fan of Harry Potter, I find it quite interesting. I think the hidden meaning behind it is you shouldn't go look for trouble. The trouble here is in a form of a sleeping dragon (which means there's no trouble). And "Never tickle" here means don't go searching for one. Because nobody likes to be bothered when they're asleep. Even dragons I guess. As a conclusion, don't go look for trouble (maybe can once or twice...HAHA). And that's why I have such a long and strange name for a blog. I'm a fan of Harry Potter and I find it meaningful.
P/S: How about tickling a sleeping friend?(or a roommate? haha) I think it's acceptable if it's time to go to class..HAHA
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There it is...huhu |
Friday, March 4, 2011
It will be mine
It's been a while since I post something. That's probably because I have no idea what to post. HAHA. Errm. Here's something I wanna share. All of you probably know by now that I have a new guitar. But having A guitar only isn't enough.HEHE. I need MORE !! oh wait. Let me rephrase that. I WANT MORE !! I had an eye on this cool looking guitar. It's made for Heavy Metal kind of music. which I LIKE !! HEHE. It's an ESP brand, which is quite expensive. But I'll get my hands on that guitar someday. But for now, I'll have to jam with my current guitar. HUHU. Here are the pictures of the guitar that I want, an ESP Alexi Sawtooth. YEAH!!
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I WANT IT !! |
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The person responsible for making me like this guitar Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom |
That is all, tq....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
My Day
My birthday just passed. I'm 19 now. WOW!! HAHA. I dunno what to say. I feel the same though. And no I don't feel older although I get few messages saying "Selamat Hari Tua" and all. All I can say is, age is just another number. if you feel young then you ARE young. Just live your life to the fullest right? Oh and thanks again to my fellow GG family who had to go through all that to celebrate my birthday. Thanks also for the Nissan GTR. I'll be racing with that yellow Ferrari 458 soon. HAHA.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Students VS Assignments
Being a university student, we can't deny the fact that we are constantly burden with tonnes of workloads in forms of homeworks, exercises and assignments. Furthermore, all of those usually are marked and credited in our course weightage, which is sucks because there're just too many assignments (especially drawing...hehe). But then again, having a lot of assignments and stuffs probably have it's advantages. Here are some i could think of :
- alot of assignments lets us study and find the solution to the answer more. Provide that we do not copy anyone's answers.
- alot of assignments gives us the opportunity to work in a group and as a group.
- alot of assgnments means that each assgnment will carry only a small amount of percentage
- If the student doesn't understand the lecture, alot of assignments will make the student prone to copy more.
- If the student doesn't understand the lecture, alot of assignments will make the student become more lazy to do their work and thus results to copying in the end.
- If the student doesn't understand the lecture, alot of assignments will make the student do it at the very last minute (because he/she is lazy)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Astro Fest 2011
My family and i went to the Astro Fest on Saturday (12/2/11) which is located at Technology Park. My auntie, who works there got a Family ticket so that's how we're able to enter the place (we need tickets to enter it, and only staffs can get the tickets). We reached the place in the evening around 4.30pm. As soon as we get there, we find some foods first because we actually didn't eat lunch yet, and since everything's free over there, my mom don't need to cook lunch then.
There're alot of games for children and adults. There're games such as Dart Throwing, Hoop the Hook, Wheels of Fortune and other stuffs. There are also rides for children. Oh, there's Rock Climbing over there too, which i tried and it's very exciting. Pity i didn't take alot of pictures. Then around 8pm, there's a Lion Dance show which is quite cool and then there's some amazing fireworks going on at the end.
The nightime event is the one people are waiting for because Malaysian artists will be performing live over there. There're 2 stages located far apart from each other. It's up to the people over there to go to which one. I can't remember who came. But my family and i went to the stage where Faizal Tahir will be performing. But i missed the opening show at that stage which is performed by Amy Search and his bands because i was at some place else. Atleast i was on time to watch Faizal Tahir perform while i recorded it. hehe... After Faizal Tahir perfomed, next performance is from the band Meet Uncle Hussein. But i didn't record this one because i was tired of holding my camera phone to record Faizal Tahir's performance. haha... The show ended around 10.30 pm and it's time to head back.
There're alot of games for children and adults. There're games such as Dart Throwing, Hoop the Hook, Wheels of Fortune and other stuffs. There are also rides for children. Oh, there's Rock Climbing over there too, which i tried and it's very exciting. Pity i didn't take alot of pictures. Then around 8pm, there's a Lion Dance show which is quite cool and then there's some amazing fireworks going on at the end.
The nightime event is the one people are waiting for because Malaysian artists will be performing live over there. There're 2 stages located far apart from each other. It's up to the people over there to go to which one. I can't remember who came. But my family and i went to the stage where Faizal Tahir will be performing. But i missed the opening show at that stage which is performed by Amy Search and his bands because i was at some place else. Atleast i was on time to watch Faizal Tahir perform while i recorded it. hehe... After Faizal Tahir perfomed, next performance is from the band Meet Uncle Hussein. But i didn't record this one because i was tired of holding my camera phone to record Faizal Tahir's performance. haha... The show ended around 10.30 pm and it's time to head back.
My family at the entrance |
Yeah !! That's me rock climbing |
oooo...hehe.. P/S: ignore what i look like bald headed..haha |
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I missed Amy Search performance because i was waiting in line for this guy to write my name in Caligraphy.. |
Friday, February 11, 2011
Birds of a feather flock together
Those of similar taste congregate in groups
This proverb has been in use since at least the mid 16th century. In 1545, William Turner used a version of it in his papist satire The rescuing of Romish Fox:
Those of similar taste congregate in groups
This proverb has been in use since at least the mid 16th century. In 1545, William Turner used a version of it in his papist satire The rescuing of Romish Fox:
"Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together."
The first known citation in print of the currently used English version of the phrase appeared in 1599, in The Dictionarie in Spanish and English, which was complied by the English lexicographer John Minsheu:
Birdes of a feather will flocke togither.
The phrase also appears in Benjamin Jowett's 1856 translation of Plato's Republic. Clearly, if it were present in the original Greek text then, at around 380BC, Plato's work would be a much earlier reference to it. What appears in Jowett's version is:
Men of my age flock together; we are birds of a feather, as the old proverb says.
Plato's text can be translated in other ways and it is safe to say it was Jowett in 1856, not Plato in 380BC, that considered the phrase to be old. The lack of any citation of it in English prior to the 16th century does tend to suggest that its literal translation wasn't present inThe Republic - a text that was widely read by English scholars of the classics well before the 16th century.
In nature, birds of a single species do in fact frequently form flocks. Ornithologists explain this behaviour as a 'safety in numbers' tactic to reduce their risk of predation. In language terms, it was previously more common to refer to birds flying together than flocking together and many early citations use that form, for example Philemon Holland's translation of Livy's Romane historie, 1600:
"As commonly birds of a feather will flye together."
* i dunno why but suddenly, this idiom just appeared on my mind this morning (or was it yesterday morning).
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My New Look
My new look. Yes, i have a new look. Some things had change. My hair. it's gone. You heard me. my precious woolly hair is gone. i've change from a very long AFRO CURL to a BALD headed gangster...haha. it's so funny to see the shock faces given from all my friends. they can't believe it at all. one of my international friends even took a picture of me. how silly. it's just a bald head. like there's no other bald headed people around here. well, on the bright side, my head feels lighter and much cooler, especially if it's windy. haha..
Thursday, February 3, 2011
It's been a while since i post anything. Haha...that's due to the poorly developed internet access at UTP. And they call themselves Universiti "TEKNOLOGI" Petronas. My Maxis broadband's not helping either. oh Maxis.. although i have some unpaid bills but that doesn't mean you can disconnect it entirely (apparently they But then, i paid my bill just now and i still can't connect to my broadband. WTH?? i have problems with my Maxis signal on my cellphone too (at UTP), but here in KL everything's just fine. Haih ~ in UTP, it's like i'm in the middle of nowhere or something. Now i just have to go to my nearest CyberCafe to go online. how sad.
i also just realised something, it's February already. my favourite month. damn..time sure flies fast, when you're having fun...haha. it's been alot of fun due to being around with a certain group of friends who always have something to do together. But that's not the point. The point here is we are getting older and supposedly more matured. But that doesn't stop us (GG..hehe) from being all goofy (mainly and all immature (sometimes not always). You guys are the BEST !! huhu
Also, recently the results for my 3rd semester in foundation is out. Alhamdulillah i got what i aimed for and now i must do what i promised myself to do if i got it. But i'm not telling...hehe.. And a certain someone also promised to join me. so, when i get back to UTP you better had done it...haha..
Ermm, there's nothing else to say here, so Happy Chinese New Year, eat alot of oranges and enjoy the holidays.
i also just realised something, it's February already. my favourite month. damn..time sure flies fast, when you're having fun...haha. it's been alot of fun due to being around with a certain group of friends who always have something to do together. But that's not the point. The point here is we are getting older and supposedly more matured. But that doesn't stop us (GG..hehe) from being all goofy (mainly and all immature (sometimes not always). You guys are the BEST !! huhu
Also, recently the results for my 3rd semester in foundation is out. Alhamdulillah i got what i aimed for and now i must do what i promised myself to do if i got it. But i'm not telling...hehe.. And a certain someone also promised to join me. so, when i get back to UTP you better had done it...haha..
Ermm, there's nothing else to say here, so Happy Chinese New Year, eat alot of oranges and enjoy the holidays.
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I got one from my neighbour...huhu |
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Engineering Drawing
Engineering Drawing course. So great to get to draw again. Yay!! But this is just the first step, which is drawing manually. But later on, we will be drawing using AutoCAD, which is as ALIEN to me as also to my friends. I think drawing manually is more fun. Although it takes freakin long time to finish plus needs a lot of patience, but the results gives a huge amount of satisfaction. I know some maybe will disagree with me on this but I don’t care. haha..
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Man of Steel
For some unknown reason, recently i'm having some kind of interest in one of the DC Comics superheroes. It is the Man of Steel himself, Superman. Sure there're some other DC comics superheroes that're cool such as The Dark Knight, Batman....The Flash....Green Lantern....and not to mention Wonder Woman. But i think all those other characters aren't as cool as the super strength, shoots laser from the eyes, flies, moves really fast, super hearing abilities, can see through stuffs, and can fly about in space kinda super hero. But, seeing how awesome he is, he still has a weakness, and it's Kryptonite. Such a shame that he has a weakness. He would be unstoppable if he doesn't. And also, i think he's the head of the Justice League, which is kinda cool superhero group. But on the downside, his outfit is a fashion disaster. I mean, who wants to wear underwear on the outside right?? It just looks wrong. But the "S" symbol and the cape are kinda cool i guess. Haha...
One more interesting thing to add. I wonder what would happen if Superman, the toughest and strongest guy from the West versus the strongest and toughest guy from the East. I think the one and only person who can challenge Superman and withstand all his attacks are non other than Son Goku from the anime Dragonball. Both of them are alien and have unique powers of their own (Goku uses Chi energy actually). But, if both of them were actually going to duel, i suggest it should be on some other distant planet because, if they fight on earth, then Judgement Day is upon us...haha
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
First day
my first day as an Undergraduate student. Nothing much to say or talk about. But i might say that the time table is so confusing. At first, i thought today's class(24/1/11) was at 8am, but it turns out mine was actually at 12 noon. So, what the hell. Time to recover back the lost sleeping time during the night. It's time to continue to sleep...haha. All in all, i think the subjects are quite tough but i'm quite excited to learn those stuffs.
Haih~ ..Time to get my head in the game.
Haih~ ..Time to get my head in the game.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
End of the holidays
Looks like tomorrow is the end of my holidays. Pity that i've wasted my holidays sitting here at home, watching tv and onlining all day. Although there is some days that i hang out with my friends, but mostly i just chill at home. Today, i went to my old school again (yes again..haha). Actually, one of the teacher's (the school councellor actually) invite anybody who is free to come, and since i had nothing better to do, so, what the hell. But as soon as i get there, i was shocked there's actually an event for the students at the main hall and there's a slot for alumni to share their experience. That means, my friends and i had to tell all the students there what are we doing now and all other nonsense stuff. It was fun i guess to hold the mic and talk abit, seeing all those eager faces (especially the f4, who just got admission to the school). But, mostly the more senior alumnis do the talking. Also, alot had change at school, but thank God the teachers still remembers me...haha.
haih...seeing my old friends for one last time is great. But tomorrow i'll be heading back to college. A new semester awaits, studying and learning together with my new friends there who i cherish and thank Allah for His Blessings of having such great friends. Although i'll be sad of leaving the comfort of my room here, but i think i'll be enjoying living at V1 more, where my friends are right near by, always ready to help if in need. And i'll always be ready to help them back. Undergraduates, here i come!!! (provide that i DONT FAIL in any course during the previous 3rd sem, which i pray that i dont)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Chilling Out
Yesterday and today is one my best days during the holidays. Yesterday night, i get to hang out with one of my best friends in TIKL. We watched a malay horror movie, KHURAFAT accompanied by his cousin and his girlfriend. Oh and we watched the movie at Pavilion. Though i came a bit late but that's ok to them i guess. I'm not interested in that movie anyway ( i wanted to watch FASTER). Then after the movie, my friend and i just chill and talked and chit chatted at McD nearby. Time flies by so fast during the hyped conversation, because before we knew it, it was past midnight already. Since i'm not ready to go back yet, i accompany him to find some spectacles at Downtown. After he found what he needed, it was time for my journey back home ( it was almost 3am at the time).
Today however, we (me and my friend from yesterday) decided to visit our teacher's at our old school. Our beloved Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kuala Lumpur. We managed to talk to some of our beloved teachers (some have to go to class ofcourse) and also get to see the students, wandering about to their destinations (it was recess). After all that, we went to Plaza Lowyat because i needed an external hardisc. I manage to find one at a reasonable price after searching and scavenging through every corner of every floor of the building (wow, alot of "of's"). The time shows 3.30pm, since i got what i wanted so i decided to head back and chill.
I know these stuffs i did is nothing compared to stuff i did with my UTP friends (Geng Gampang!! haha), but it's nice to hangout with old friends from the school that we cherish so much, and as an addition, that old friend happens to be one of my bestfriend. It's so great that we managed to catch up with each other.
Today however, we (me and my friend from yesterday) decided to visit our teacher's at our old school. Our beloved Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kuala Lumpur. We managed to talk to some of our beloved teachers (some have to go to class ofcourse) and also get to see the students, wandering about to their destinations (it was recess). After all that, we went to Plaza Lowyat because i needed an external hardisc. I manage to find one at a reasonable price after searching and scavenging through every corner of every floor of the building (wow, alot of "of's"). The time shows 3.30pm, since i got what i wanted so i decided to head back and chill.
I know these stuffs i did is nothing compared to stuff i did with my UTP friends (Geng Gampang!! haha), but it's nice to hangout with old friends from the school that we cherish so much, and as an addition, that old friend happens to be one of my bestfriend. It's so great that we managed to catch up with each other.
Monday, January 17, 2011
1 week gone
WOW!! my first week of holidays is gone. Now comes the 2nd week of endless boredom and torture of the mind (bcos of boredom). During this past week, there's nothing really special going on around here. Just the normal get up in the morning, watch tv, take a shower, eat, online, then b4 you know it, it's time 4 bed. But today i took the initiative to do atleast something. And that is spending time with my siblings by watching a movie at the theatre. The movie was ok since it was Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of The Dawn Trader. The movie was in the evening and ended around 9pm. I hope that this week will surprise me with many surprising moments which is supposedly making me feel surprised but then it is not actually (dunno what i'm babling about here). Ok then, i'm off watching a football match on tv. Manchester United vs Tottenham you know. hehe :)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Another boring day...
Shit!! today i've been onlining on my laptop all day long. That's all i can afford to do since my dad conquered the tv. And in the evening, i can't seem to get myself together and play or do whatever outside. Today i was planning on watching a movie at the theatre with my siblings. But the movie only screens at 7pm. WTH!! and i'm at the ticket counter at 6.30pm. How the HELL am i gonna go back home and get ready in half an hour??? well, i've decided. I'll watch the goddamn movie tomorrow then.
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Movies,Movies,Movies...lalalala |
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Can't watch a movie without this... |
Friday, January 14, 2011
Fresh Meat !!
Well, the title says it all. I AM considered a fresh meat (but not to be eaten) in this bloggers world. So yes, I am a noob in terms of blogging (hopefully for now only). I actually dunno why I'm starting this. Is it because of my friends urging me? Or my families (like that's gonna happen, my father keeps telling me to stay away from the computer and stretch my legs)? I think i know why. It's because of pure boredom i'm havin here on my sem break. Sure i finished my foundation year (Yippy!!), but there's a whole lot tougher years to come (aww man..). it's almost 1 week out of 2 for my sem break and each day, there's no freakin new stuffs to do. I just wake up in the morn....wait...i wake up at 1pm. Okay...i just wake up around noon and turn on the TV.Since there's no great movies on i'll watch cartoon. And everyday will be the same ones on air such as The Fairly OddParents, Spongebob Squarepants, Phineas & Ferb and other bunch of stupid cartoons(but i dunno why i'm startin to enjoy them). And during the night, I either online on facebook or just watch more TV but this time no cartoons because my father just hated those cartoons. Still sometimes the movies on HBO or Cinemax or even StarMovies are good enough to watch (usually not), but sometimes they do reruns of old movies who is as old as my dad, and that is sayin something. Then by late at night i usually continue with my on9 or watch videos on youtube for fun. This usually end around 2 to 3am then i'm off to bed (for those considered this early, then F*** you). And this goes on and on everyday until one day(which is today 14/1/11), i decided to start a blog to add SOMETHING to my holidays. I hope tomorrow will be a better day...haih~
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