Sunday, July 31, 2011


     Tomorrow'll be the day the Muslims and Muslimahs waiting for, the 1st day of Ramadan which marks the start of the Fasting Month. Let us be a productive muslim during this month. And to the guys, don't ever miss a day of fasting. it's time to "recharge" our Iman from our Ibadah, give "free call" to Allah from our Doa, "topup" our Pahala from our Amal, and "delete" all unnecessary "applications" which is our bad Nafs. All I can say is, Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadan.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My New Record of Most Likes in a Status

     Last Tuesday, I post a status on facebook like any other day. But surprisingly, that status beat my previous status record of most likes by twofold. The old status which I said HAD the most likes was regarding my hair being straight ( i dunno if any of you remember or not), and the new one is, well, you have to see it for yourselves. HEHE.

It's been a while

     It's been a while since I post something here (almost 2 frikkin' months!!). Alot of things had happen in this semester. From the Gang of Peers event of Peer Helper Club, to my not-so-enthusiastic attempt of going to classes (lazy + can't understand a thing of the lecture). Basically, this semester's only subject that I can cope is probably Statics. Other's I'm not sure how I'll be doing during the Finals (It's very near !!). Oh and one more thing, although Singapore won the football match with Harimau Malaya (By Aggregate), i still think Harimau Malaya can still improve. That's all from me for now.

P/S: I'll be watching Captain America today !! YEAY !!