A name given for my blog. A Latin name. But why such a long name?
According to Google Translate, the meaning of it is "Never tickle a sleeping dragon". A strange kind of quote isn't it.
Actually, those letters were taken from the Hogwarts badge and since I'm a fan of Harry Potter, I find it quite interesting. I think the hidden meaning behind it is you shouldn't go look for trouble. The trouble here is in a form of a sleeping dragon (which means there's no trouble). And "Never tickle" here means don't go searching for one. Because nobody likes to be bothered when they're asleep. Even dragons I guess. As a conclusion, don't go look for trouble (maybe can once or twice...HAHA). And that's why I have such a long and strange name for a blog. I'm a fan of Harry Potter and I find it meaningful.
P/S: How about tickling a sleeping friend?(or a roommate? haha) I think it's acceptable if it's time to go to class..HAHA
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There it is...huhu |
wow. j.k. rowling guna bhs latin utk buat logo Hogwarts??
pelik. penat dh kot cipta perkataan pelik2 cam "sectumsempra", "muggle" etc.
a'ah kebnyknnyer bhs Latin..aq x pasti la berape bnyk perkataan die cipta cam "muggles" etc...but aq rse sume spell2 dlm HP ade root word die in Latin...huhu
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