It's been a while since I post something. That's probably because I have no idea what to post. HAHA. Errm. Here's something I wanna share. All of you probably know by now that I have a new guitar. But having A guitar only isn't enough.HEHE. I need MORE !! oh wait. Let me rephrase that. I WANT MORE !! I had an eye on this cool looking guitar. It's made for Heavy Metal kind of music. which I LIKE !! HEHE. It's an ESP brand, which is quite expensive. But I'll get my hands on that guitar someday. But for now, I'll have to jam with my current guitar. HUHU. Here are the pictures of the guitar that I want, an
ESP Alexi Sawtooth.
I WANT IT !! |
The person responsible for making me like this guitar
Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom
Ko pndai men gitar ke??if yes,dat's great!hehe sket2 jer la...
still learning...hehe :)
Isfahan, ko ni kalau boleh semua benda nak!bersyukurlah dgh elektrik guitar tu!!! Umi
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